Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Egg Tart Portuguese

Petang tadi sempat buat kan anak2 Egg Tart..they always ask me to make..selalunya tak da masa langsung..Thought of nak post resepi2 yg pernah buat..tapi tak palah post yg ni dulu..when i hv time then bolelah post resepi2 yg lain..Resepi ni Aff dpt dari mana pun dah lupa..banyak sangat resepi yg Aff tulis..tapi tak pa..janji resepi2 ni tak mengecewakan..u shuld try tis Egg tart shiiioookkkk!!!!

Egg Tart Portuguese


400g Plain flour
50g Unsalted butter    (A)
1/8 tsp Fine salt
220g Water

300g Pastry margarine   (B)

Mix (A) to form a smooth dough. Let it rest for 15mins.
Roll out the dough into cross shape with the centre thicker and the four limbs thinner.
Place the pastry margarine onto the centre of the dough. Wrap it up.
Roll out the dough into a 10mm thickness and fold once. Let it rest for 15mins. 
Turn the dough 90 degrees. Repeat step (4), four more times.
Roll out the dough into 3-mm thick. Cut the sheet into half.
For one of the half, roll it up like swiss roll. Chill till firm.
For the other half, fold them like an envelope and refrigerate for future use.

The Filling:

200ml whipping cream
300ml milk
3 eggs
3 egg yolk
80g sugar (u can add more if u like it to be more sweeter)
Vanilla essense

Whisk egg n sugar then add whipping cream, milk & vanilla essence

Divide the puff pastry into 24 portions. Flatten the pastry and roll it into about 3-mm thick. Press onto the tart moulds.
Pour the fillings into the pastry tarts from step 
Then bake at 200C for 20 mins on the centre rack. (You may place it at the lower rack. However, if there are no caramelised dots on the egg custard, move the baking tray upwards to let the tart surface take up more heat to create the caramelized dots. I baked mine on the top 2nd rack and it caramelised the whole custard!)

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